-I can always make you smile:)))not...
Friday, January 22, 2010

today during science lab we played with...AGAR! actually we did an experiment with agar by soaking it in hydrochloric acid:) It was our first trip to the lab for the year! Sadly, the agar there is inedible as it was filled with some lethal poison that would kill you for some awkward reason...anyway we continued watching dirty harry and apparently harry did not kill the sniper...(oops)and the sniper started accusing harry for everything...evil...and there was gym today! Actually we barely did much but we still did weights and stuff...most of the sec 2s and dsa sec1 went...we wanted to play floorball for awhile but sadly they had training and they were using the place...today i was quite angry too because paras accused me of loosing their stitches when i left it at the home economics room's table for them to take and was kept by the teachers'...then paras started saying i was irresponsible and when miss hashima found it he just said "oh" and walked away, not offering help to us when we were helping the others put their stitch in their files...(ask zhi qi:))i actually hoped that he would say sorry or at least help but man his attitude!!!its not that i dislike paras(Well...)but well unfortunately its the truth!by the way if you see this post and you realised that you did not mark your stitch remember to get it back...and pass up tour files...if you don't have the file good luck!!!(really!)
p.s. powder game is fun!!!try it....

I made you smile again:)not and speak good english! @ 5:06 PM;

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hello! Its the forth post and there are lesser and lesser things to write...lets start with english lessons! we continued watching dirty harry and harry finally caught the sniper! he had to thank that guy who turned on the lights though...so that he could shoot the sniper...that's not all of it but i still have another topic...home ec!!!!like i said there was nothing much to talk about so i cant think about anything else more interesting...anyway, today we made part of the Bear's head! we also had to design what clothes the bear had to wear that was according to the theme of YOG...and i chose taekwando, because i am currently learning it...or should i say teaching it...i managed to sew a part of the head pretty well but did not have time for the other part...oh and mr maran said he was going to bring us to east cost park next friday during school time! HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!! i really miss cycling but i dont think we are there to play but to do some work....mr maran too told us that he scuba dived in singapore before!!! he said that if you could do that, you could dive anywhere in the world! especially with the murky and dirty waters here in singapore...he also asked who snorkeled before and i did...but i kind of forgot where did i do so:)...looks like there are things to talk about after all...lets hope east coast park will be interesting and nice with wind blowing in our faces:)

I made you smile again:)not and speak good english! @ 4:34 PM;

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today i shall tell you something that has to do something with english but first lets talk about some other stuff! During history, we spent the whole two lessons watching this singapore's history movie. I had watched it quite a few times but it was still equally funny:) Funny? Whats so funny about history? you might say that and you might be right...but the only funny thing was that raffles, the guy on top, was well...fat! No one actually probably saw a fat raffles before because all his photos and statues look pretty thin to me...my friend said he went for liposuction:)You can see the video on youtube if you want but i will not be posting it on my blog...i will probably sleep halfway...anyway...asdf is better!
Now remember what i said just now about english? Here's a sign that i read...no its not from china but a flower shop in singapore...here's what it says: please do not disturb the balloon thank you. Well it does not seem very correct and i don't think so....shouldn't it be more like: please do not touch the balloons or something like that??? I found this interesting and i wanted to take a photo of this but sadly there was another sign that said no photography...(at least it was correct!) so sadly i could not take one...there was hockey training today and we did 8 rounds around the field in 11min 30s and it was HOT...but luckily the clouds sheltered us and it was much more cooling...we then played a 7 a side match and our team had to take out our shirts...( it seems that when we play matches teams that i join takes out their shirts like 75% of the time...hmmm...) and finally, we went home...and i had mcd for dinner...hahaha

I made you smile again:)not and speak good english! @ 8:31 PM;

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I forgot to put this down yesterday so i should probably talk about it today!

Anyway, after our cde-ttt stuff were done, mdm farrah showed us a movie! Not just any movie though...its the ASDF movie(look at your keyboard and stare at the second row). Some of my classmates were talking about it but i did not understand but finally i got to watch it! But why would she show it to us?
My friend behind me asked mdm farrah whether she heard of the ASDF movie and (surprisingly, because we did not expect that answer) she said yes! she even said that it was on her blog0.0
after the cde-ttt, she then showed us the asdf movie! and then she showed us the asdf movie 2! and also some pokemon thing that I'm not sure of the title. after the video, we could hear people shouting 'die potato' or 'rainbow' or maybe 'i like trains'...mystified??? just go to my mixpod and go watch both movies!(mdm farrah said that she would not post anything that was not pg so i thought that it would be fine posting it on my blog!)

Lets talk about today!
Today there was nothing much that happened but i can still list some events that happened!
-PE 800m run!
-throwing tennis ball over the fence(tennis court fence)
-watching Macbeth kill Duncan
-starting our opw!
so there was nothing much that happened but still...woo hooo!
i forgot to see if the stuff we cleared were still there though...

I made you smile again:)not and speak good english! @ 5:39 PM;

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today, we had a very unusual hockey training...

It started off when we had to go to the gym to do some weights and strength(which is our usual routine)...in the middle of our gym, our hockey teacher in charge asked us to help him do something...he then said that we would have our own storage area to keep all our hockey equipment which was good news! but when he said we had to clear it, it was quite a bad news instead....the first picture you would see below would be all the 'after' photos so it would not look that disgusting...inside the storage area, they had the grass and the black little stuff that you could find in the field(and of course the lizards and spiders etc. and definitely cockroaches*many*). So we finished half the can of 'Bagon' spraying at the termites and roaches and after around two hours later we cleared it!!!with Mr Seng's help:)(Thank you very much Mr Seng! We wouldn't have done it without you!)There were also two rats in there...(but nothing compared to what i saw last time....)and a big lizard(imagine from your index finger to your wrist)
And that's how my hockey training was today:)
I then reached home at about 7pm and i had to take the bus! Then by the time i ate dinner it was 730pm and i finally started on my first official post at 9!
P.s. if you see this post go to the field a few days layer and you might still see all those stuff:)

CLEAN!(actually quite dirty but still...)





I made you smile again:)not and speak good english! @ 9:37 PM;

Friday, January 8, 2010

Made this yesterday for some english blogging thing...so lets start speaking proper english:))))
anyway i made this in school and skin failed:)
but then did it successfully at home:)))
Speak good english!!!

I made you smile again:)not and speak good english! @ 10:02 PM;

I Rock...so does hockey! Anyway speak proper english in this blog and dont spam or write stuff i dont want to see so yay!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

A Thousand Awesome Faces


My awesome world


*Nick Koo
*Zi Yi
*Xian Jun
*GT Price Guide


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